Dr. Coleman’s LA practice is currently FULL to new clients at this time. If you are interested in joining the waitlist, you can still schedule a phone consultation.
Dr. Coleman will be offering Ketamine Assisted Therapy Intensives for new clients starting this fall. These will take place at certain times throughout the year and limited spots are available.
You can also consider consultation or working with her and her team at JournEase, in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Booster Sessions are available to scheduled for established clients.
Are You Frustrated By…….
Not being able to find a therapist
Not seeing progress in therapy
Your medications blunting your personality and emotions
The current options of treatment mental health
Psychiatrists that just prescribes you medication
Trying to “figure it out” on your own
Choose to treat your mental health differently
Take Your First Steps Toward A Happier Life
1. Schedule Initial Evaluation
Meet with Dr. Coleman and one of the therapists to assess if ketamine therapy is the right for you.
2. Experience Ketamine
Participate in a powerfully healing two hour medicine session supported by our team.
3. Integrate To Sustain Change
Succeed in making life changes by working with our therapist to decipher the insights you had during your ketamine experience.
Dr. Stephanie Lyn Coleman and her team know that you want to feel free from the emotional burden of anxiety, stress, and depression that is holding you back from truly enjoying your life and feeling happy. In order to gain this freedom, you need a shift in perspective and reorganization of the brain pathways. The problem is you feel scared, unsure, and hopeless, which makes you stuck where you are in life. We believe that everyone deserves to love their life, their self and truly experience happiness free of worry. We understand that may seem impossible or out of reach because these moments have been few and far between in the past.
That’s why we create personalized treatment plans, take a team approach, emphasize supported integration, and focus on the whole person to achieve sustainable results. Here’s how it works: Step 1 Schedule an initial evaluation, Step 2 Experience a healing ketamine journey, and Step 3 work with our therapists to integrate your experience to make sustainable changes. So, book a consultation today, so you can stop living in pain and missing out on your life and start living the life you dream about!
We support YOU in conquering
Stephanie Lyn Coleman MD
Ketamine Therapy and Holistic Health
More people than ever are living with and suffering from emotional pain. Dr. Coleman is a holistic doctor that utilizes psychedelic therapy to provide relief and empower people to wake up loving life.
Dr. Coleman is a licensed physician trained in the traditional western medicine culture, but believes that the best health we can achieve is combining both holistic and western medicine. The ultimate goal is to create a personalized balance of these approaches to establish sustainable health.
Dr. Coleman strongly believes that psychedelic medicine is a profound and safe healing process to address mental health. Ketamine therapy can be effective treatment for depression, anxiety, trauma (PTSD), addiction, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), burnout, and more. Disrupting the thoughts, labels, stories, and patterns that we create and live by each day, not only have an effect on our mental health, but in turn this effects the way we act in relation to our physical well being.
She truly believes that the body does have an inner healing intelligence and psychedelic medicine allows us to tap into and listen to this healer. It is by going inside and exploring our inner selves that we can grow, heal, and achieve our desired state of health and happiness.
Member of the Psychedelic Medicine Association and American Society of Ketamine Physicians, Psychotherapists & Practitioners
Graduate of Ketamine Training with The Ketamine Training Center, IPI psychedelic practitioner program, CIIS psychedelic practitioner program