What should I be prepared for after the medicine experience?
Initially as you are coming out of the experience we take off the headphones and invite you to leave your eye mask on while you begin to share your experience. Peoples feelings and reactions coming out of the medicine vary, but you can still feel a little out of it or a bit woozy. Occasionally some people with feeling nauseous and we can support you if that occurs. You are not allowed to drive home from your session and it is highly recommended that you do not drive until the next day. Often people may want to have alone time and as little stimulation as possible to ease back into themselves, recover, and do some reflection or journaling. Sleep can be affected by ketamine, both negatively and positively and varies from person to person, but usually is not a prolonged effect. Eating food and drinking water after a session can help you feel more grounded and recover quicker. Make sure to review your current medications with Dr. Coleman so you can get instructions on when to resume medications if you had held them prior to treatment and what to avoid.