The Ketamine Journey


While many types of treatment are available for those suffering from clinical depression, not all patients respond to them. Interestingly, studies have observed that half of the participants suffering from this reported feeling relieved after trying ketamine treatment for the first time. After a few more sessions of ketamine treatment, 66 percent have shown improvement, according to a study in the International Journal of Transpersonal Studies.

Since these patients, who have treatment-resistant depression, have experienced relief from ketamine therapy, this could ultimately transform mental health treatment for many other people. However, many are still reluctant to consider ketamine therapy, as they naturally have many questions about what to expect. Here’s what you need to know about ketamine therapy:

Preparing for Ketamine Therapy


When you go into a clinic for ketamine therapy, you won’t get into it right away. You’ll first meet the team that will keep you comfortable during treatment. You’ll also receive a complete psychological and psychiatric evaluation, along with a personalized treatment plan that will meet your specific needs and goals. 

It’s completely normal to feel nervous or a little apprehensive when trying a new mental health treatment, which is why our team takes care to ensure you feel heard and understood before officially beginning your first session.

What Occurs During Treatment

A doctor will be present the entire time during your medicine session to resolve any medical concerns you have and to ensure safety. They’ll administer the ketamine and provide you with a few items, like music, blankets, pillows, and eyeshades that will help you feel comfortable during your first session.

Ketamine’s effects, which most patients find soothing, last for around 45-60 minutes. You may feel like you’re far from your body and experience changes in your perception, feeling, and cognition. Your vision and motor skills may also be different during the session and recovery, and you may have a hard time expressing your thoughts and feelings during the height of its effects. Once these have subsided, your doctor and therapist will work with you to integrate your experience for the rest of your appointment. You may also feel dizzy or drowsy after, so it’s essential to have someone drive you to and from your session.

What Happens After Treatment

The effects of your ketamine therapy session can last from 2 days to the rest of your life. However, you’ll also have to integrate other things into your treatment, such as self-care, family history, life circumstances, and other factors. Our team will help you after the session by providing you with individualized maintenance based on your experience and our clinical input. 

What Role Does Ketamine Play in Mental Health Treatment?

Ketamine produces dissociative effects that can help people with treatment-resistant depression recover. When combined with a beyond personal and therapeutic approach, therapists can work with patients to initiate the expansive, spiritual experiences that highlight parts of the psyche that require extra attention to heal.

Our team takes a client-focused approach, helping patients process their inner conflicts, resulting in their current emotional distress. For this reason, we encourage our clients to provide space for both negative and positive feelings and thoughts when they come up, as they are keen opportunities for healing. Ketamine therapy may induce a wide range of emotions, which can be used to help the patient heal and address different issues that prevent them from living their desired life.


Ketamine therapy offers incredible relief to those who weren’t able to experience progress with more traditional mental health treatments. It can help you unlock a spectrum of emotions that will bring you closer to managing your depression and improving your quality of life.

Stephanie Lyn Coleman, MD, is a licensed physician trained to offer holistic medicine through ketamine therapy. As a specialist in psychedelic medicine Dr. Coleman supports clients in treating various mental health issues, including burnout and mental symptoms related to COVID-19. Contact Dr. Coleman today to book an appointment.